Keyboard Shortcuts

Common Shortcuts

Spacebar + Click and Drag - Pan around the canvas while zoomed in
⌘/Ctrl + P - Quick search for any feature in the app 
D Key - Duplicate selected layers
Press ‘O’ key - See the original image before edits
⌘/Ctrl + Plus sign - Zoom in
⌘/Ctrl + Minus sign - Zoom out
⌘/Ctrl + F - Open full-screen mode
⌘/Ctrl + Z - Undo
⌘/Ctrl + Shift + Z - Redo
⌘/Ctrl + Shift + S - Save as a project

Saving / Opening

⌘/Ctrl + S - Save to computer
⌘/Ctrl + Shift + S - Save as a project
⌘/Ctrl + O - Open from the computer
⌘/Ctrl + B - Open batch editor

Shortcuts for Layers

Delete/Backspace - Delete the selected layer
Arrow Key - Nudge selected layer 1 px
D Key - 
Duplicate selected layers
⌘/Ctrl + A - 
Select all layers
⌘/Ctrl +  C -
Copy selected layers
⌘/Ctrl +  X - Cut selected layers
⌘/Ctrl +  V -  Paste selected layers
⌘/Ctrl +  Click - Add/Remove a selected layer from the group
Option/Alt + Shift + S - Turn snapping on and off

Layer Transformations

Shift + Rotate Layer - Snaps rotation in 15-degree increments
Shift + Scale Layer - Freeform scaling (except for text layers)
Option/Alt + Scale Layer - Center scaling
Shift + Option/Alt + Scale Layer - Freeform center scaling (except for text layers)
⌘/Ctrl + Scale Layer - Scale the layer’s frame
Shift + Click and Drag Image Layer - Reposition the image within the frame
⌘/Ctrl + Click Align Option - Aligns selection

Photo Editor

Option/Alt + Click and Drag - Invert selection in Cutout
Shift + Click and Drag - Create the perfect circle/square in the shape selection tool
Press ‘O’ key - See the original image before edits
Spacebar - Hide on-canvas tools in Funky Focus/Vignette/Clone 


Collage Maker

⌘/Ctrl + Drag Cell Edge - Resize individual cell
⌘/Ctrl + Option/Alt + Click Between 2 Cells - Add a new cell
Shift + Drag Cell Edge - Disconnects adjoined cells from a row

Adjustment Sliders

Left/right Arrow Key - Adjust level by 1
Up/down Arrow Key - Adjust the level by 10
[ or ] - Increase or decrease Brush size

Text Editor

⌘/Ctrl + C - Copy Text
⌘/Ctrl + X - Cut text
⌘/Ctrl + V - Paste Text
⌘/Ctrl + B - Apply Bold to the selection 
⌘/Ctrl + I - Apply Italics to the selection 
⌘/Ctrl + U - Apply Underline to selection


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