Changing Your Download Location

By default, your browser will save your BeFunky creations to your Downloads folder. If you'd like to change this setting so that you can choose the folder you save to each time, follow these easy steps: 

Google Chrome

Step 1: In your browser search bar type: chrome://settings

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Advanced.

Step 3: Scroll down to the Downloads section 

Step 4: Toggle Ask where to save each file before downloading to ON - it is set to OFF by default

Here's a video to walk you through the above steps:



Step 1: Click preferences

Step 2: Head to General, then select Ask for each download in the File download location dropdown

Step 3: Exit settings

Here's a video to walk you through the above steps: 



Step 1: Click preferences from the Firefox menu

Step 2: Scroll down to the downloads section and select Always ask you where to save files.

Step 3: Exit settings

Here's a video to walk you through the above steps: 


Microsoft Edge

Step 1: Click preferences from the Microsoft Edge menu 

Step 2: In the Settings menu, scroll down and click Downloads

Step 3: Scroll down and toggle Ask me what to do with each download to ON

Step 4: Exit settings

Here's a video to walk you through the above steps: 

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