Images that are uploaded to BeFunky are NEVER stored on our servers unless you choose to save your images to your My Photos page. Your My Photos page is a great place to save your images so you can easily access them anytime from any computer.
For your privacy, images saved to your My Photos page can be set to Private, which means only you can see them.
Your images will be set to Private during the save process, or anytime after using the options available on your My Photos page (see below). Images that are set as Public can be seen by anyone on the internet.
To make changes within the My Photos page, hover over any photo and click the three dots. You'll see options to Edit Title, Open in Editor, Set to Public/Private, or delete and send to Trash.
Step 1: To change the privacy setting on any image you've already saved to your BeFunky gallery, go to the Dashboard, and click the Learn BeFunky button. Click on the profile icon in the top right corner, and select Photos.
Step 2: You are now on your Photos settings page.
Step 3: With your mouse, hover over your image and click on the three dots to set it to Public or Private. In My Photos you can also: Edit the Title, Open in Editor, or Move to Trash
Private photos will not show in web searches. If you are still able to find a photo you recently changed to Private, that photo will be removed when that search engine refreshes its cache.
Additional information on how to save your Images can be located in Saving and Sharing Your Photos.